Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Morning Has Broken

While I have many topics in my mind for "Today’s Ramblings," I want to plug a book I am reading now (squeezed in between three others). Morning Has Broken is the firsthand description of Phillip Aronson’s experience with major depression along with Emme Aronson’s description of her life as wife, mother, and caregiver during Phil’s depression. I believe there are many parallels that can be taken from this book to any family experiencing depression, even less severe cases like mine.

In a number of places Emme provides tips on how she wishes she had been more active in Phil’s treatment, 20/20 hindsight, Monday morning quarterbacking, and/or the classics “I wish I knew then what I know now.” While I know this may sound strange, luckily for the rest of us she was not more active and Phil’s depression was life impacting. Because if not, I am sure they would not have felt the need to write this helpful book, which I believe is in God’s plan to help men and their families deal with the depression illness.

Emme and Phil also have a Wellness Coaches page with additional information. There is a podcast interview with Emme and Phil about the book, which is interesting. I think the video series is an excellent overview of depression the disease and its effects on others. The podcast and all of the videos (11 in total) can be reviewed in under 30 minutes and it is well worth your time. While this “coaching” may be beneficial to the person with depression, I think it is excellent for those that have taken on the roll of caregiver and anyone else interested in learning more about depression. Unfortunately, there is not much else available on this site at this time.

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