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I’m from Orange County, CA, USA, and was diagnosed with dysthymia depression in the Fall of 2005 and probably been unaware of the conditions for years previously. While seeking help, I continued to slide downhill until the end of 2006. Now I am slowly crawling my way back up.
I have found it very difficult to obtain information about “depression in men” especially the less severe dysthymia disorder. In response to my search and as part of my treatment, I have created this small blog to organize the information I have read, collected, etc. Please let me know if you have any information, links, bulletin boards, etc. that would be helpful for me and other men.
I am using this blog as part of my therapy; thereby, sharing many of my private thoughts, which includes the people in my life. While I have not used names, I have needed to use informal nouns (e.g., wife, dad, son, etc.). For those of you that know me, you will know the people I am talking about, which could even be you (especially the closer you are to me). I now ask for forgiveness if there is anything in here that is upsetting to you and hope that you can understand that I share these thoughts and/or events as an effort to assist me in my recovery and possibly to help others to see my perspective on things.
I have made every effort not to dwell on any “negative” items but sometimes my perspective may not always have been (or is) the most positive. I truly love you all and while not spoken enough, I am very fortunate and thankful God has included you in my life.