Sunday, February 4, 2007

Bad afternoon

Saturday was not a great day for me yesterday. I spent some time in the morning with my boys then about three hours vacuuming and helping to clean the house for company coming on Sunday afternoon. I really got down in the afternoon for some reason. Around 4:00PM I almost fell asleep waiting for a haircut, which usually is a positive time for me because the boys and I have made getting a haircut into a “boys” outing for over 13 years (at least for me and my older son). Not only was I tired but I just felt “off” all afternoon. We caught an early dinner then headed over to an indoor rock climbing location to join my younger son’s Cub Scout pack where both of my boys joined about forty other boys, siblings and a few adults for over two hours of climbing walls to the ceiling “on belay” then riding the rope down. This year I did not climb because I have put on weight over the past few months and did not think I would enjoy it as much as I had previous years. I took the opportunity to take some photos of the boys (mine and others) climbing up down and all around. It was really great to see my older son (now 14) climb up all of the walls quickly and even be challenged by the staff members to follow some of the more difficult paths. While it was only a few hour get together, I found myself getting energized from the kids and visiting with friends.

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