Sunday, January 28, 2007

I have found an “edge and corner”

It has been months since I realized I really had a mental problem. For a year or two before, I was sure my problems sleeping, eating, digesting, etc. was because of a physical problem. I’m a typical man, so I put off going to the doctor because I was sure it was nothing, just everyday stress, or any other excuse I was willing to believe. Since many of the symptoms were similar, I talked myself into believing it was Sleep Apnea (why not – it is okay for a man to have problems because he quits breathing during his sleep at night). Close but no cigar.

As previously stated, it turned out to be a mental problem. After accepting the diagnosis, I continued to get worse. I was sure that a few meetings with a Psychologist would align me up and I would get on with my life…WRONG! When catching a cold or the flu, frequently you get worse before you get better. Well the same thing is happening to me with depression. It seems like I was given a jigsaw puzzle to complete and I have spent most of the last year turning the pieces over and identifying the edges, color patterns, etc. Finally I was able to locate two pieces that fit together forming one edge and corner. I know I’m on the path but do not yet know the direction or where I will be lead. As I write this, the vision of Dorothy in Munchkin-land starting down the yellow brick road pops into my head.

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